STEPS 2 Resettlement aims to support the effective delivery of Framework Decision (FD) 2008/909/JHA (transfer of prisoners) by investigating and analyzing the legal and practical obstacles that may hinder its implementation and execution in all Member States (MS).

Foundation research

The project will undertake necessary foundation research into the issues and practicalities relating to all EU member states progress with implementation of the Framework Decision on the Transfer of Prisoners (taking into account the associations with related Framework Decisions on Probation Measures and alternative sanctions and on pre-trial detention). Knowledge gained will assist in the identification of training needs and the provision of an evidence backed training package for officials.

Offender handbook

Furthermore, this project will develop a handbook for offenders which will inform them during the transfer process under FD 909, and what to expect, aiding their social rehabilitation and re-integration into society.

Victim’s liaison

A series of focus groups involving representatives from a diverse spread of member states will draw out information on member states current victims’ agenda and liaison processes. This will result in a short guidance document for member states concerning how victim liaison could be approached in light of FD 909, with specific regard to the context of the victims’ directive.

Data Transfer

The project will examine the transfer of data on offenders; not only the type of data to be transferred but also the legalities and data protection requirements associated. The project will examine strengths and weaknesses of existing information exchanges and produce recommendations, best practices and an architectural design for a possible platform to facilitate data transfer.

Project Duration: 1.3.2014 – 28.2.2016

  • Lead Partner: National Offender Management Service (NOMS), England & Wales
  • Contact person: Vivette Wadey, NOMS,
  • Project Partners: University of Bucharest (Romania); Montfort University (UK); University of Huelva (Spain); University of Ghent (Belgium); National Administration of
  • Penitentiaries (Romania); Belgian Prison Service; Research Institute for Social Development and Innovation (Romania); EuroPris; CEP
  • Prof. Ioan Durnescu participated from the University of Bucharest/Romania.

Domenii de studii
