Teaching Staff - Department of Social Work
Doru Buzducea
- Professor, Dean
- Education: Ph.D. in Sociology (Universitatea București, 1999)
- Areas of Interest: Social Work, Groups at risk, HIV/AIDS
- dbuzducea@yahoo.com
- https://sas.unibuc.ro/cv-doru-buzducea
Nicolae-Adrian Dan
- Associate Professor, Chair of the Department of Social Work
- Education: Ph.D. in Sociology (Universitatea București, 2003)
- Areas of Interest: Social Policy, Social protection and social security, Poverty, Social exclusion and inclusion, Housing Policy, Educational Policy, Social and Community Development, Groups at risk, Research Methods.
- adrian.dan@sas.unibuc.ro
- https://sas.unibuc.ro/cv-nicolae-adrian-dan
Valentina Ioana Rujoiu
- Associate Professor, Vice-Dean
- Education: Ph.D. in Sociology (Universitatea București, 2008)
- Areas of Interest: Domestic violence, Intervention techniques and methods for crisis situations, Intervention techniques and methods in in social work at individual level, Intervention techniques for families at risk; Family planning.
- valentinarujoiu@yahoo.com
- https://sas.unibuc.ro/cv-valentina-ioana-rujoiu
Smaranda Witec
- Assistant Professor, Vice-Dean
- Education: Ph.D. in Sociology (Universitatea București, 2013)
- Areas of Interest: Deontology, Refugees, Child Protection, Social entrepreneurship, Emergent needs, Leadership.
- smaranda.witec@gmail.com
- https://sas.unibuc.ro/cv-smaranda-witec
Ioan Durnescu
- Professor
- Education: Ph.D. in Sociology (Universitatea A.I. Cuza, Iași, 2008)
- Areas of Interest: Probation, Penitentiaries, Comparative research.
- idurnescu@gmail.com
- https://sas.unibuc.ro/cv-ioan-durnescu
Florin Lazăr
- Professor
- Education: Ph.D. (Universitatea București, 2010)
- Areas of Interest: Social policy, HIV/AIDS; Groups at risk, Social work in Romania.
- florin.lazar@sas.unibuc.ro
- https://sas.unibuc.ro/cv-florin-lazar
Elena Iulia Mardare
- Associate Professor
- Education: Ph.D. (Universitatea București, 2008)
- Areas of Interest: Social stress and the management of stress, Counselling and family therapy, Psychosociology of health, Clinical counselling and social work.
- eimardare@sas.unibuc.ro
- https://sas.unibuc.ro/cv-elena-iulia-mardare
Gabriel Mățăuan
- Associate Professor
- Education: Ph.D. in Sociology (Universitatea București, 1999)
- Areas of Interest: Evaluation of social programs, Human resource management, Management of social programs, Management of NGOs
- gabriel.matauan@lafarge.com
- https://sas.unibuc.ro/cv-gabriel-matauan
Gheorghița Nistor
- Associate Professor
- Education: Ph.D. (Universitatea București, 2003)
- Areas of interest: Social Psychology, Family&child social work, Social work and counselling in school, Organisational culture, Social work deontology.
- gheorghitalayar@yahoo.com
- https://sas.unibuc.ro/cv-gheorghita-nistor
Ana Rădulescu
- Associate Professor
- Education: Ph.D. in Sociology (Universitatea București, 2005)
- Areas of interest: Professional and service development in social work, Case management, Organizational management and strategic development, International social programs development and implementation, International cooperation, Vocational and job market counselling, Social economy.
- ana.radulescu@gmail.com
- https://sas.unibuc.ro/cv-ana-radulescu
Monica Luminița Alexandru
- Assistant Professor
- Education: Ph.D. in Sociology (Universitatea București, 2008)
- Areas of Interest: Human trafficking, Social work law, Social services and benefits, Social policy in the prevention and control of drug consumption.
- monica_alexandru1@yahoo.com
- https://sas.unibuc.ro/cv-monica-luminita-alexandru
Mirela Anghel
- Assistant Professor
- Education: Ph.D. (Universitatea București, 2010)
- Areas of interest: Social work, Communication, Interculturality, Body language, Street violence, Sociology of sport.
- mirelap.anghel@gmail.com
- https://sas.unibuc.ro/cv-anghel-mirela
Mihaela Cozărescu
- Assistant Professor
- Education: Ph.D. in Sociology (Universitatea București, 2008)
- Areas of interest: Psychology, Social education (social pedagogy), Intercultural education, Management, Adult education, Professional development.
- mihaela.cozarescu@yahoo.com, mihaela.cozarescu@pestalozzi.ro
- https://sas.unibuc.ro/cv-mihaela-cozrescu
Aurelia Curaj
- Assistant Professor
- Education: Doctorate in Medicine (Universitatea de Medicina “Carol Davila” București, 2007)
- Areas of Interest: The Elderly
- fundatiageron@gmail.com
- https://sas.unibuc.ro/cv-aurelia-curaj
Sorina Daniela Dumitrache
- Assistant Professor
- Education: Ph.D. in Psychology (Universitatea București, 2014)
- Areas of interest: Counselling and psychotherapy, Personal and professional development for social workers.
- https://sas.unibuc.ro/cv-sorina-daniela-dumitrache
Theodora Doina Ene
- Assistant Professor
- Education: Ph.D. (Universitatea București, 2012)
- Areas of interest: Social work services, Project management, Human resource management.
- theoed@gmail.com
- https://sas.unibuc.ro/cv-theodora-doina-ene
Valeriu Fîrțală
- Assistant Professor
- Education: Ph.D. in Sociology (Universitatea București, 2007)
- Areas of interest: Probation, International protection of human rights, Social law, National and international laws regarding drug trafficking and consumption.
- valif@sas.unibuc.ro
- https://sas.unibuc.ro/cv-valeriu-firtala
Georgiana-Cristina (Anton) Rentea
- Assistant Professor
- Education: Ph.D. (Universitatea București, 2012)
- Areas of interest: Migration, Migrant integration, NGOs, Social policy.
- georgiana.anton@sas.unibuc.ro
- https://sas.unibuc.ro/cv-georgiana-cristina-rentea
Sanda Luminița Mihai
- Assistant Professor
- Education: Ph.D. in Sociology (Universitatea București, 2002)
- Areas of interest: Psychopatology and psychiatry, Family and couple psychotherapy, Therapy and assistance for people addicted to legal/illegal substances.
- lumiha19@ines.ro
- https://sas.unibuc.ro/cv-sanda-luminita-mihai
Claudia (Oprea) Constantinescu
- Assistant Professor
- Areas of Interest: Human rights, Probation, Social work law, Refugee rights, Legal means against drug trafficking, Professional development for social workers.
- claudia.opreapopa@gmail.com
- https://sas.unibuc.ro/cv-claudia-constantinescu
Mihaela (Ștefan) Popa
- Assistant Professor
- Education: Ph.D. in Sociology (Universitatea București, 2012)
- Areas of Interest: Education, Family, Communication, Media.
- mihaela.stefan@sas.unibuc.ro, bvct@yahoo.fr
- https://sas.unibuc.ro/cv-mihaela-stefan
Marian Ursan
- Assistant Professor
- Education: Ph.D. in Sociology (Universitatea București, 2012)
- Areas of Interest: Vulnerable and marginalized groups; HIV/AIDS, Drug consumption, Commercial sex.
- marian.ursan@sas.unibuc.ro
- https://sas.unibuc.ro/cv-marian-ursan