Teaching staff - Department of Sociology
Marian Preda
- Professor, Rector of the University of Bucharest
- Education: Ph.D. in Sociology (Universitatea București, 2001)
- Areas of interest: Sociology of Organizations, Social Policy, Strategic Management, Sociology of Time
- https://sas.unibuc.ro/cv-preda-marian
- mpreda@sas.unibuc.ro
Liviu Chelcea
- Professor, Vice-Dean
- Education: Ph.D. in Anthropology (University of Michigan, 2004)
- Areas of interest: Urban Anthropology, Sociology of Consumption, Kinship and housing.
- liviu.chelcea@sas.unibuc.ro
- https://sas.unibuc.ro/cv-profdr-liviu-chelcea
Gabriel Jderu
- Professor, Chair of the Sociology Department
- Education: Ph.D. in Sociology (Universitatea București, 2009)
- Areas of interest: Methodology, Sociology of the Body, Social Psychology, Sociology of Emotions, Sociology of automobility
- gjderu@yahoo.com
- https://sas.unibuc.ro/prof-dr-jderu-gabriel
Darie Cristea
- Associate Professor, Vice-Dean
Adrian Dușa
- Professor
Radu Baltasiu
- Professor
- Education: Ph.D. in Sociology (Universitatea București, 1999)
- Areas of interest: Social History, Geoeconomics, Economic Sociology, Anthropology of Globalization, Romanians outside Romania.
- radu.baltasiu@gmail.com
- http://sas.unibuc.ro/rbaltasiu_ro
Cosima Rughiniș
- Professor, Chair of the Doctoral School
- Education: Ph.D. in Sociology (Universitatea București, 2005)
- Areas of interest: Research Methodology, Science popularization through games and digital media, the social construction of gender and age.
- cosima.rughinis@sas.unibuc.ro
- https://sas.unibuc.ro/cv-profdr-cosima-rughinis
- Professor
- Education: Ph.D. in Philosophy (Universitatea București, 2003), Ph.D. in Sociology (Universitatea București, 2000)
- Areas of interest: Sociology of Communication, Sociology of Mass media, Methods of studying communication, Gender studies
- vmarinescu9@yahoo.com
- http://sas.unibuc.ro/vmarinescu_ro
Vasile Dâncu
- Professor
- http://sas.unibuc.ro/vdancu_ro
Petronel Dobrică
- Associate Professor
- Education: Ph.D. in Sociology (Universitatea București, 2002)
- Areas of Interest: Sociology of Deviance, Sociology of Punishment, Sociology of Law
- petroneld@yahoo.com
Ionel Nicu Sava
- Associate Professor
- Education: Ph.D. in Sociology (Universitatea București, 1999)
- Areas of Interest: Sociology of social movements, Collective action, Dependency and development, International Relations, Security Studies
- insava@sas.unibuc.ro
- http://sas.unibuc.ro/nsava_ro
Călin Cotoi
- Professor
- Education: Ph.D. in Sociology (Universitatea București, 2006)
- Areas of Interest: Political Anthropology, Anthropology of Development, Social History, Ethnicity and Nationalism, History of Science, Social Theory.
- calin.cotoi@sas.unibuc.ro
- http://sas.unibuc.ro/ccotoi_ro
Mihaela Lambru
- Professor
- Education: Ph.D. in Sociology (Universitatea București, 2005)
- Areas of Interest: Analysis of public policy and administration, NGOs, Social Economy.
- lmb.ro@yahoo.com
Raluca Popescu
- Associate Professor
- Education: Ph.D. in Sociology (Universitatea București, 2009)
- Areas of Interest: Sociology of Family, Research Methods, Anthropology, Sociology of Values, Social Policy, Gender Studies
- http://sas.unibuc.ro/rpopescu_ro
- raluca.popescu@sas.unibuc.ro
Vasile Marian
- Associate Professor
- Education: Ph.D. in Sociology (Universitatea București, 2010)
- Areas of Interest: Healthy lifestyles, Sustainable consumption, Subjective welfare (life satisfaction, happiness).
- marian.vasile@sas.unibuc.ro
- http://sas.unibuc.ro/mvasile_ro
Luana Pop
- Associate Professor
Laura Grunberg
- Associate Professor
- Education: Ph.D. (Universitatea București, 2000)
- Areas of interest: Sociology of Gender, Gender studies, Sociology of the body, Sociology of Education, Feminist movements, Children’s literature
- laura.grunberg@sas.unibuc.ro
- http://sas.unibuc.ro/lgrunberg_ro
Paula Tufiș
- Associate Professor
- Education: Ph.D. (Pennsylvania State University, 2007)
- Areas of Interest: social stratification, Sociology of Education, gender related values, parenting values, migration, quantitative research methods.
- paula.tufis@sas.unibuc.edu
Claudia Ghișoiu
- Assistant Professor
- Education: Ph.D. (Universitatea București, 2010)
- Areas of interest: English, Gender Studies,Crosscultural communication, Multiculturalism, Identity, Sociology of the Body
- claudia.ghisoiu@gmail.com
- http://sas.unibuc.ro/cghisoiu_ro
Lucian Pop
- Assistant Professor
Alexandra Rusu
- Assistant Professor
- Education: Ph.D. in Sociology (Universitatea București, 2011)
- Areas of Interest: Social networks, Organizational networks, migration, community development, social capital
- alexandra.rusu@sas.unibuc.ro
- http://sas.unibuc.ro/alrusu_ro
Marian-Gabriel Hâncean
- Associate Professor
- Education: Ph.D. (SNSPA, 2009)
- Areas of Interest: Social Networks, Organizational Sociology, Organizational Behavior
- gabriel.hancean@sas.unibuc.ro
- http://www.gabrielhancean.wordpress.com
Daniela Urse
- Assistant Professor
- Education: Ph.D. (Universitatea București, 2013)
- Areas of Interest: Social Policy, European Social Policy, Social Security, Sociology of Risk, Research Methods
- daniela.urse@sas.unibuc.ro
- http://sas.unibuc.ro/durse_ro
Vlad Grigoraș
- Assistant Professor
Cosmin Toth
- Assistant Professor
- Education: Ph.D. in Sociology (Universitatea București, 2012)
- Areas of Interest: Sociology of Organizations, Management, Sociology of Decisions
- paulcosmin@yahoo.com
- http://sas.unibuc.ro/ctoth_ro
Mara Stan
- Assistant Professor
- Education: Ph.D. in Sociology (Universitatea București, 2012)
- Areas of Interest: Human Resources, Urban Development, Sociology of Time, Sustainable Development, Corporate Social Responsibility
- mara.stan@sas.unibuc.ro
- http://sas.unibuc.ro/marastan_ro
Irina Zamfirache
- Assistant Professor
Alexandra-Gabriela Constantinescu
- Assistant Professor
- Education: Ph.D. in Sociology (Universitatea București, 2013)
- Areas of Interest: Public Opinion, Sociology of Organizations, Organizational Communication, Research Methods
- alexandra.constantinescu@sas.unibuc.ro
- http://sas.unibuc.ro/agconst_ro
Andreea Bobb
- Teaching Assistant
- Areas of Interest: Social Psychology, Research Methods
- deica_moldoveanu@yahoo.com